• The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process by which adults enter the catholic church

    RCIA training and Adult Catechism classes are scheduled each Monday,  6:30 -7:30 pm in St. Mary's large meeting room. Please contact, Wade White or the parish office. These sessions are for anyone interested in becoming catholic, as well as any catholic who wishes to take a refresher class on the Catholic faith. Many have not taken a refresher since they were in school. Keeping abreast and knowing our catholic faith helps to teach others.

    Also, if you are interested in serving as Eucharistic Minister, please see Wade for the next training. Attendance is appreciated.



    New families or singles 21 or over are asked to call the Parish at

    205-923-0202. RCIA is a great way to understand the catholic faith and what we believe. If you are thinking about becoming catholic, join us for one of the above sessions each week. You can start anytime (speak with the class facilitator).

    Members moving from the parish are requested to inform the priest or the office.

    Please know you are welcome at St. Mary's. Find your home here.